We're on a mission to build a better SharePoint and Teams content discovery and management experience.

We're a team of Microsoft 365 consultants who hate the uncertainty of clutter and sprawl in SharePoint environments.

We know you hate this too. This is why we're building SProbot.

Where did we start?

The BSOLVE team started tinkering with SharePoint (in those days SharePoint Team Services) in 2003. It was clumsy, but we saw the potential.

What have we built?

Over the years, we've used SharePoint as the backbone for more than 100 Intranets, document management systems, collaboration portals, and a variety of business process applications. Fom simple ones for 10-person PR firms to sprawling structures for 50,000-person financial services multinationals.

We've also deployed and actively manage Teams for organizations of all sizes across several industries.

What frustrates us?

Even with the all the admin tools Microsoft provides to manage SharePoint, content sprawl and clutter are real problems for most organisations.

When people can't easily find the documents, pages and other SharePoint-based content they need, productivity suffers.

OK, but what frustrates us specifically?

  • There is no easy contextual way for either admins or normal users to discover content within SharePoint without targeted searching. Finding content by topic or area is generally not possible without a significant investment in structured information architecture and manual metadata population.
  • Keeping a tenant tidy and uncluttered requires significant ongoing administrator effort. There is no easy way to delegate cleanup activities to site and team owners without investing in custom workflows.
  • SharePoint templates and their use are hard to manage. They're not easy to create in high fidelity without scripting knowledge, can't be maintained by business users, and don't include the ability to apply granular governance rules which help keep content secure and limit sprawl.

SProbot is our solution to challenges faced by Microsoft 365 consultants and admins across the globe.

We want to help you:

See how SProbot can help you govern SharePoint

We'll show you how to tame content sprawl, save on storage, and improve security

Get a demo